Faculty of Chemical Engineering

Cohen Yachin
email: yachinc@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4- 8292010
Website: ceweb.technion.ac.il/Yachin_Cohen.htm
Dispersion and processing of carbon nanotubes with polymers; Functional nano-composites. Continue Reading Cohen Yachin

Freger Viatcheslav
Associate Professor
email: vfreger@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292933
Website: ceweb.technion.ac.il/Viatcheslav_Freger.htm
Membrane Technology; Desalination and Water Purification; Physical Modeling and Advanced Characterization of Membranes; Development of Novel and Modified Membranes Continue Reading Freger Viatcheslav

Hasson David
Professor Emeritus
email: hasson@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292936
Website: ceweb.technion.ac.il/David_Hasson.htm
Water Desalination and Water Technologies, Membrane Separations; Process Heat Transfer (Fouling Phenomena, Scale Formation and Prevention) Continue Reading Hasson David

Paz Yaron
Associate Professor
email: paz@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292486
Website: ceweb.technion.ac.il/Yaron_Paz.htm
Photocatalysis; Surface phenomena; Self-Assembled Monolayers. Selective photocatalysis by means of "adsorb & shuttle" and "molecular imprinting"; Photocatalysis with non-titanium dioxide materials; Charge transport between titanium dioxide and Carbon Nanotubes. Continue Reading Paz Yaron

Sheintuch Moshe
email: cermsll@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292823
Website: ceweb.technion.ac.il/Moshe_Sheintuch.htm
Chemical and Catalytic Reaction Engineering; Environmental Catalysis, Adsorption Columns; Application of DFT Methods to study catalyzed Reactions. Continue Reading Sheintuch Moshe
Faculty of Chemistry

Eisen S. Moris
email: chmoris@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292680
Website: schulich.technion.ac.il/Moris_S._Eisen.htm
Inorganic-Organometallic Chemistry; Development of Novel and Modified Membranes for water treatment; Modulating Stereoregularities in the Polymerization of a-olefins. Continue Reading Eisen S. Moris

Schechter Israel
email: Israel@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292579
Website: schulich.technion.ac.il/Israel_Schechter.htm
New methods for fast analysis of particulate materials and water pollutants in various systems. Continue Reading Schechter Israel
Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Agnon Yehuda
email: agnon@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292489
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=338
Water Waves; Renewable Energy; Thermoacoustic Engines - Heat engines with no moving parts; Dry Power - Energy from evaporation of water; Sustainable Development. Continue Reading Agnon Yehuda

Armon Robert
Associate Professor
email: agnon@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: 972-4-8292489
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=325
Water and wastewater microbiology; Bacteriological well clogging; Protozoan parasites; Bacteriophages in environment; Pathogenic bacteria and biofilms; Sol-gel technology in microbiology and enzymology; Enhanced photocatalysis for water cleaning; Biofouling and biocorrosion prevention methods; Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC). Continue Reading Armon Robert

Carmel Yohay
Associate Professor
email: yohay@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292609
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=332
Spatial and dynamic models of ecological systems; Long term vegetation dynamics at the landscape scale; Use of Remote Sensing and GIS for natural resources management; Spatial accuracy and error propagation in GIS databases. Continue Reading Carmel Yohay

Dosoretz Carlos
email: carlosd@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8294962
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=330
Advanced wastewater treatment; Desalination; Biofouling; Removal of trace pharmaceuticals. Continue Reading Dosoretz Carlos

Dubowski Yael
Associate Professor
email: yaeld@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8295899
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=329
Water chemistry; Photochemistry and heterogeneous chemistry of micropollutants; Spectroscopic methods for investigating multiphase reactions of pollutants. Continue Reading Dubowski Yael

Friedler Eran
Associate Professor
email: eranf@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292633
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=339
Development of alternative water sources as part of sustainable management of water in the urban sector; Extensive wastewater treatment systems; Processes occurring in sewer systems; Processes affecting water quality in catchment basins. Continue Reading Friedler Eran

Gendel Yuri
Senior Lecturer
email: ygendel@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8293627
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=855
Environmental Electrochemistry - Advanced Oxidation Processes; Electrocoagulation, Nitrogen Removal, Capacitive Deionization, Redox Flow Batteries, Supercapacitors, Fuel cells. Continue Reading Gendel Yuri

Green Michal
email: agmgreen@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8293479
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=328
Water and wastewater treatment with special emphasis on inorganic nitrogen compounds removal: Treatment of Municipal wastewater and agricultural drainage using biofilm reactors; N-compounds removal from water, wastewater and brines; Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment Continue Reading Green Michal

Hagin Josef
Professor Emeritus
email: haginj@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292325
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=767
Soil fertility; Soil chemistry; Fertilizers; Treated wastewater and reuse in agriculture. Continue Reading Hagin Josef

Klar Assaf
Associate Professor
email: klar@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292647
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=362
Geomechanics and soil structure interaction, Mechanical behavior of gas-hydrate sediments, Coupled flow mechanical problems. Strain measurements using optical fibers and their application to civil infrastructures, Fault detection systems. Continue Reading Klar Assaf

Lahav Ori
email: agori@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292191
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=333
Water and wastewater process development and modeling (e.g. chemistry of iron species in aqueous media; desalination post treatment processes, etc.); Aquatic chemistry with emphasis on process engineering; Aqua-cultural engineering with emphasis on water quality aspects and water treatment processes. Continue Reading Lahav Ori

Liberzon Dan
Assistant Professor
email: liberzon@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8291730
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=840
Environmental Flows, air-sea interaction, wind waves excitation and evolution, non-linear waves interaction, air flow turbulent boundary layer Continue Reading Liberzon Dan

Linker Raphael
Associate Professor
email: linkerr@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8295902
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=334
Sensing, and in particular mid-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging; Modeling, control and optimization of agricultural and environmental systems; Monitoring and failure diagnosis in soil-water-system. Continue Reading Linker Raphael

Ostfeld Avi
Associate Professor
email: ostfeld@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: 972-4-8292782
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=268
Water distribution systems security; Development and application of early warning detection; System methodologies for monitoring stations allocations; Development and application of evolutionary optimization techniques (e.g., genetic algorithms, ant colony, cross entropy) to water distribution systems and water resources management. Continue Reading Ostfeld Avi

Per-Olof Gutman
email: peo@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292811
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=326
Optimal control; Control of uncertain systems with non-differentiable non-linearities; Robust and Adaptive control, including identification and computer aided control systems design; Control Applications in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, including greenhouse control and control of water and wastewater systems; Process control. Continue Reading Per-Olof Gutman

Radian Adi
Assistant Professor
email: aradian@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292626
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=857
Environmental chemistry for soil and water remediation; Fate and transformation of anthropogenic pollutants in the environment; Chemical and biological processes at the water/soil interface; Combining tailored adsorption processes with chemical and biological degradation processes to improve remediation practices; Applying clay minerals and metal oxides as catalytic surfaces in chemical and biological remediation; In situ chemical oxidation of pollutants. Continue Reading Radian Adi

Ramon Guy
Assistant Professor
email: ramong@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292580
Website: wetlab.net.technion.ac.il/
Polymeric membrane formation; structure – performance characteristics; deposition and fouling; strategies for fouling prevention and control. The interaction of bacteria with interfaces; the interaction of biofilms with their flowing environment. Continue Reading Ramon Guy

Seginer Ido
Professor Emeritus
email: segineri@tx.technion.ac.ilWebsite: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=770
Optimal environmental control for greenhouse crops; Drying of waste-water sludge; Modeling of intensive fish ponds. Crop growth models. Continue Reading Seginer Ido

Shamir Uri
Professor Emeritus
email: shamir@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292239
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=777
Optimal planning, design and operation of water systems: reservoirs, aquifers, distribution systems, integrated systems; Hydrology; Water-Sensitive Planning (WSP); Analysis and simulation of water distribution systems; Optimal design and operation of single and muti-quality water distribution systems; Optimal real-time operation of water supply systems; Reliability of supply in water systems; Optimal management of aquifers; Management of water resources under uncertainty and risk; Negotiation and management of international water resources; Water policy for Israel; Continue Reading Shamir Uri

Shaviv (Avi) Abraham
email: agshaviv@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292602
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=342
Physical Chemistry of Soil–Water-Environmental Systems: Advanced isotopic and spectroscopy based methods; P and N dynamics in effluent irrigated soils using isotope; Long term effects of irrigation with reclaimed wastewater; Environmentally friendly fertilization approaches; Modeling soil-water nutrient dynamics. Continue Reading Shaviv (Avi) Abraham

Shmulevich Itzhak
email: agshmilo@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292620
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=345
Soil-Pipe Interaction; Water delivery systems and equipment; Soil texture and irrigation; Sensor technology; Data acquisition and monitoring. Continue Reading Shmulevich Itzhak

Shoshany Maxim
Associate Professor
email: maximsh@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292274
Website: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=382
Remote Sensing; Hyper-Spectral Imaging; Image Processing GIS; Spatial Dynamics; Landscape Ecology; Mapping- Cartography. Continue Reading Shoshany Maxim
Faculty of Biology

Gepstein Shimon
Professor Emeritus
email: gepstein@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8293856
Website: gtep.technion.ac.il/personal_page.php?id=12
Plant Physiology & Development Gene Regulation; Senescence; Biomass-Based Fuels - Production of water saving plants for biodiesel or bioethanol extraction to be grown in marginal non-agricultural regions. Continue Reading Gepstein Shimon
Grand Water Research Institute

Furman Alex
Assistant Professor
email: afurman@tx.technion.ac.ilWebsite: cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DBID=1&TMID=139&LNGID=1&FID=166&PID=0&IID=526
Vadose zone and groundwater hydrology; Hydro-geophysics (investigating soil properties using electrical properties at various scales); Soil physics; Reuse of reclaimed wastewater; Water use efficiency. Continue Reading Furman Alex
Faculty of Materials Science & Engineering

Silverstein S. Michael
email: Michaels@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8294582
Website: materials.technion.ac.il/michael-silverstein-macromolecules/
Emulsion-templated Porous Polymers; Biodegradable Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering; Bicontinuous, Temperature-sensitive, Shape-changing Smart Materials; Shock Absorbing Nanocomposites; Elastomeric Membranes with Proton Conducting Pathways; Nanoporous Polymers for Low-k Dielectrics; Plasma Polymerization and Surface Modification; Organic - Inorganic Hybrids; Nanoscale-structured Polymers; Interpenetrating Polymer Networks. Continue Reading Silverstein S. Michael
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Ben-Haim Yakov
email: yakov@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8293262
Website: meeng.technion.ac.il/Yakov_Ben-Haim.htm
Info-gap decision theory: decisions under severe uncertainty. Reliability of mechanical systems; Fault diagnosis Modeling uncertain dynamic systems; Applications in engineering, biological conservation, economics, project management, medicine and homeland security. Continue Reading Ben-Haim Yakov

Bercovici Moran
Assistant Professor
email: mberco@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8293463
Website: meeng.technion.ac.il/Moran_Bercovici.htm
Microscale flow and transport phenomena; Electrokinetic flow; Focusing on separation of chemical and biological species; Microscale two-phase flow; Electrohydrodynamic instabilities; Microfluids and nanofluids; Lab on a chip devices and assays; Point-of-care medical diagnostics; On-chip molecular diagnostics and immunoassays; On-chip environmental monitoring. Continue Reading Bercovici Moran

Matthew Suss
Assistant Professor
email: mesuss@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-77-8871617
Website: meeng.technion.ac.il/Matthew_Suss.htm
Water desalination by capacitive deionization, fluidized bed electrodes and flow-through electrodes, transport in porous and suspension electrodes, electric double layers, porous carbons, wastewater treatment, rapid prototyping Continue Reading Matthew Suss

Nonlinear electrokinetics of micro/nanochannels; Ionic concentration-polarization phenomenon and desalination on chip; Electro-chemo-mechanical energy conversion devices; Micro/nanofluidic Lab-on-a-chip biomedical / diagnostic devices. Continue Reading Yossifon Gilad
Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Applied Genomics, Food and water microbiology, Environmental microbiology, Rapid Bacterial identification and typing. Continue Reading Kashi Yechezkel

Segal Ester
Assistant Professor
email: esegal@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8295071
Website: segallab.technion.ac.il/
Development of biosensors for water safety (detection of bacteria and their toxins, detection of chemical pollutants such as heavy metals etc.). Continue Reading Segal Ester

Yaron Sima
Associate Professor
email: simay@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292940
Website: biotech.technion.ac.il/en/members/prof-sima-yaron/
Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology; Food Microbiology; Antibiotic resistance; molecular biology of food-borne pathogens Food Safety; Development of Molecular Methods for the Identification of pathogens in water and environmental systems. Continue Reading Yaron Sima
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning

Conservation biology; urban ecology; agro-ecology; invasion biology; systematic conservation planning; conservation policy and citizen science Continue Reading Shwartz Assaf
NonTechnion Members

Alchanatis Victor
PhD, Senior Researcher; Volcani Center, ARO
email: victor@volcani.agri.gov.ilPhone: +972-3-9683504
Website: www.agri.gov.il/en/people/21.aspx
Sensors for precision agriculture - hyperspectral and thermal imaging; Evaluation of crop water status and irrigation management using thermal remote sensing. Continue Reading Alchanatis Victor

Brook Anna
PhD, Senior Researcher University of Haifa
email: abrook@geo.haifa.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8249612
Website: sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/abrook/contacts/
Developing and optimizing a multi-source fused remote sensing data and algorithms using reflective visible and near infrared (VNIR) spectral regions (0.35-1µm) and thermal long wave infrared (LWIR) spectral region (9-14µm) information, as a tool to assess and to monitor the water quality, to provide coherent monitoring options Continue Reading Brook Anna

Katz David
Ph.D. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies University of Haifa
email: katzd@geo.haifa.ac.ilWebsite: sites.hevra.haifa.ac.il/katzd/
Water resource management and policy: investigating economic and policy incentives for water conservation and for ecosystem protection and rehabilitation. Continue Reading Katz David

Egozi Roey
PhD, Senior Researcher; Soil Erosion Research Station, ARO
email: regozi@moag.gov.ilPhone: +972-9-890972-432
Website: www.moag.gov.il/NR/rdonlyres/CB296990-3A95-4FCA-AD15-14CD3B993713/0/.pdf
Researcher in the field of hydrology of drainage basins, sediment transport and Fluvial Geomorphology. Continue Reading Egozi Roey

Gitis Vitaly
Senior Lecturer Ben-Gurion University
email: gitis@bgu.ac.ilPhone: +972-8-6479031
Website: www.bgu.ac.il/enviro/gitis_vitaly.html
Granular filtration and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane processes; Coagulation/flocculation, chlorine disinfection and advanced oxidation processes. Continue Reading Gitis Vitaly

Isam Sabbah
Associate Professor ORT Braude College & The Regional Research & Development Center – The Galilee Society
email: isabbah@braude.ac.ilPhone: 04-9504798
Combination of physico-chemical processes and immobilization technology of microorganism for low energy cost wastewater treatment technologies. Advanced anaerobic processes; Bio-methanation processes. Continue Reading Isam Sabbah

Mashor Housh
PhD Faculty of Management, University of Haifa
email: mashor.housh@gmail.comPhone: +972-4-8288541
Website: management.haifa.ac.il/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=516:mhoush&lang=en
Optimization under Uncertainty, Robust Optimization, Large-Scale Optimization of Infrastructure Systems, Planning and Management of Water Resources Systems under Uncertainty, Design, Operation and Monitoring of Water Supply Systems. Continue Reading Mashor Housh

Shmueli Deborah
Professor University of Haifa
email: deborah@geo.haifa.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8240150
Website: geo.haifa.ac.il/~deborah/
Environmental and public policy negotiations and conflict management; Environmental planning; Water resource management and negotiations; Community and institutional capacity building; Collaborative planning, Negotiation pedagogy; Evaluation methodologies; Transportation planning; Solid waste management and resource recovery; Planning and policy under extreme conditions. Continue Reading Shmueli Deborah

Zoller Uri
Professor Emeritus University of Haifa at Oranim
email: uriz@research.haifa.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-9838836
Website: research.haifa.ac.il/~biology/zoller/zoller.html
Persistent Organic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs); Surfactants, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs); Hormones; Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in WWTP/SAT/Wetland's influents & Effluents, Surface- & Groundwater: Survival, Concentrations, Homologic/Isomeric Distribution; CHRONIC Ecotoxicological Impact of EDCs; Ecotoxicological impact of nano-particles/materials in WWTP' effluents. Continue Reading Zoller Uri