Home Call For Abstracts Registration Program Information

General Information
The graduate student conference for water research in Israel will be held at the Grand Water Research Institute, Technion on December 29, 2024.
The conference will include a talk by an invited speaker followed by student lectures and a poster session. The full program will be published as soon as it’s finalized.
Please note that Nesher Gate (East) and Canada Gate (North) will be closed on the conference day.
Please use the main gate – Neve Sheaanan Gate
Transportation to the Technion
To get to the Technion by public transportation, we recommend choosing one of the following options:
- Take the train to ‘Haifa Hof Hacarmel’ and then take bus numbers 1 or 11 from the “Hof Hacarmel” central bus station to the Technion. Note that the bus station is adjacent to the train station.
- Take the train to ‘Lev Hamifratz’ and then take the cable express (https://www.cableexpress.co/tickets.html) to the Technion.
For lecture and poster presenters
In the link below, you will find a file with instructions for your lecture/poster preparation (both Hebrew and English instructions are in the same file).
Please read the instructions before starting to work on your presentation/poster.
Poster templates are also linked below.
Lecture and poster preparation instructions
Contact information
Contact us at: gwri.student.conference@gmail.com